What is this site?
NICAR-Learn is an on-demand video gallery designed for journalists to learn and share computer-assisted reporting techniques. Our videos – taught by IRE and NICAR trainers as well as leading data journalists – are short and skill-based, allowing you to pick and choose the programs and skills you want to focus on.
How do I subscribe?
Use this link to purchase a subscriptionNICAR-Learn is not connected to IRE’s membership system. If you’re already an IRE member, you’ll still need to purchase a subscription here to access the video gallery.
How much does it cost?
Access to NICAR-Learn will be free for 1 year. When you register, you’ll have a 365 day free trial, no credit card required. After the free year, you can renew at our standard rates.
- $25/year for IRE members*
- $40/year for non-members
*IRE members can email training@ire.org to get a coupon code that will reduce the total cost to $25. You do not need to request a code to get the free 1-year trial. You should only request it when you are renewing at the paid rate.
Want to get involved?
Let us know what you want to learn. It could be a program, a specific skill or a problem you routinely encounter. We’re also looking for volunteers willing to share their expertise in these videos.
Where can I find more resources?
We have lots of additional resources available on the IRE website. Visit the NICAR Data Library to browse, download and purchase data on a variety of topics. Share tips and strategies with other data journalists using the NICAR-L email listserv or NICAR-ESP-L, our Spanish-language listserv. And, if you’re an IRE member, browse our extensive catalog of resources.
Looking for in-person training? Learn about all of our offerings here.
We also sell several books on data journalism. You can find them all in the IRE Store.
If you have questions or run into problems with the website, send us an email at training@ire.org.